



2024-07-18 09:44:04 来源:网络


read emails什么意思 -
读客户邮件,听到他们的挫折,倾听他们的建议并且向他们学习。2.Cyberstalkers may attempt to illegally gain access to a person’s computer to read their emails or monitor their online activities.网络跟踪者可能尝试非法进入一个人的电脑去读他的电子邮件,或者是监控他们的线上行为。
email意思是电子信函。释义:n.电子信函vt.给…发电子邮件n. (Email)人名;(法)埃马伊变形:过去式emailed 过去分词emailed 现在分词emailing 第三人称单数emails 复数emails 双语例句I'm not available this week, if you need me, please email me.我这周没有空,如果你需要我的话还有呢?


read the emails and say what the writers have in common什么意思
...about me on their MSN chats and emails h -
I主语will not read谓语emails宾语that are not written in a way 是that引导的定语从句修饰emails that is similar to that found in this email. 是that引导的定语从句修饰way,第二个that是代词,指代way,
watch videos是什么意思 -
watch videos 看录像;观看录像;看影碟例句筛选1.If they watch videos at the gathering, what will happen?如果他们在聚会上观看录像,将要发生什么?2.My purpose to go on internet is to read emails and watch videos.我上网的原因是为了看邮箱和视频等我继续说。
for emails , use the rich text format option-but always read the ad thoroughly-you may be told to send it in a particular format-THAT is what you should follow .而对于电子邮件,可以使用内容丰富的文本格式-但记住要从头到尾阅读招聘广告-你可能被要求使用一定的格式发送简历-你必须严格后面会介绍。
英字是什么意思? -
" This question is common among learners of the Japanese language. The answer is that '英字' refers to the English alphabet, or 'letters of the alphabet' in English. English has 26 letters, each with a unique sound or combination of sounds. Learning to read and write the还有呢?
②I don't bother checking my emails anymore. 我再也不费心检查我的邮件了。3、语境使用上的区别bother to do常用在否定句和疑问句中,表示是否值得做某事或尝试去做,而bother doing则常用在肯定句中,表达对正在进行的行为的不满或者烦躁。例句:①Why bother to argue with someone who won'等会说。